B 2 C yaitu bisnis
yang menjual produk atau menyediakan jasa kepada konsumen sebagai pengguna
akhir informasi.
Model B2C
berfokus pada penjualan langsung dan pemasaran antara bisnis dan konsumen
melalui situs e-commerce. Sebuah volume pembelian yang lebih rendah dari harga
produk yang lebih tinggi biasanya menjadi ciri khas perusahaan B2C. Karena
model tergantung pada transaksi individu dan menghilangkan pembeli grosir,
perusahaan dapat memperoleh keuntungan yang lebih tinggi sementara konsumen
menghabiskan jumlah uang yang sama atau kadang-kadang kurang. B2C efektif bagi
perusahaan kecil karena konsumen individu tidak peduli dengan pengakuan
perusahaan seperti mereka dengan mendapatkan produk untuk harga yang terbaik.
Perusahaan B2C dibagi menjadi lima kategori utama:
penjual langsung
perantara online
model berbasis iklan
model berbasis masyarakat
model fee-based. Setiap jenis begitu berbeda dari
yang lain bahwa mereka tidak secara langsung sebanding.
beberapa bisnis B2C menggunakan lebih dari satu jenis untuk menjangkau audiens
yang berbeda.
Perbedaan Antara Pembeli (Konsumen) dan Proses
Keputusan Pembelian Bisnis
Penjual Langsung
a. Penjual
langsung, seperti pengecer online, menjual produk atau jasa secara langsung
kepada pelanggan melalui website. Anda dapat lebih membagi penjual langsung ke
e-tailers dan produsen. E-tailers pengecer elektronik yang baik produk kapal
dari gudang mereka sendiri atau pengiriman pemicu dari perusahaan lain.
Produsen produk menggunakan internet sebagai katalog dan saluran penjualan
untuk menghilangkan perantara.
b. Perantara
Perantara online melakukan fungsi yang sama seperti setiap broker lain. Bisnis
ini memungkinkan perusahaan non-B2C untuk menuai beberapa manfaat. Broker
pembeli layanan
dan membantu penjual dengan mengubah proses penetapan harga, menurut profesor
ekonomi Thierry P & amp; eacute, narwastu dari University of Delaware dan
Michael A. Arnold dari University of Rennes di Rennes, Prancis.
c. Situs populer
mengandalkan model berbasis iklan. Website ini menawarkan layanan gratis kepada
konsumen dan menggunakan pendapatan iklan untuk menutupi biaya. Mereka menarik
sejumlah besar pengunjung, membuat mereka aliran iklan yang ideal untuk
perusahaan lain. Pengiklan akan membayar premi untuk situs yang memberikan jumlah
lalu lintas yang tinggi.
d. Model Berbasis
Model berbasis masyarakat menggabungkan metode iklan yang bergantung pada lalu
lintas di situs yang berfokus pada kelompok-kelompok khusus untuk menciptakan
masyarakat. Penjualan Masyarakat dan iklan memanfaatkan pemasaran sosial dan
jaringan dengan fokus pada kelompok-kelompok tertentu yang ingin produk
tertentu. Misalnya, situs yang digunakan oleh pemrogram komputer yang sempurna
ditempatkan untuk mengiklankan perangkat keras komputer dan produk perangkat
lunak. Setidaknya satu situs media sosial menggunakan informasi anggota untuk
menargetkan iklan untuk kepentingan dan lokasi.
e. Biaya Berbasis
Bayar-as-you-membeli atau berlangganan layanan berbayar termasuk dalam model
fee-based. Yang paling umum ini adalah langganan online untuk jurnal atau situs
film seperti Netflix. Perusahaan-perusahaan ini bergantung pada kualitas konten
mereka untuk meyakinkan konsumen untuk membayar biaya biasanya nominal.
Urungkan pengeditan
Anda akan digunakan untuk menyempurnakan kualitas terjemahan dan dapat
ditampilkan kepada pengguna secara anonim
kasih atas kirimannya.
Explain the Business to Consumer Model by Dana Griffin, Demand Media Google
Business to consumer companies connect directly with the end user. Business to
consumer companies connect directly with the end user. internet image by
Travelfish from <a href='http://www.fotolia.com'>Fotolia.com</a>
Related Articles * What Is the Meaning of the C2C Business Model? * Differences
Between a Consumer Buying and a Business Buying Decision Process * Requirements
for Building a Business Model * Internet-Based Business Models Definition *
Risk in a Business Model * Techniques for Constructing a Business Model While
business-to-business commerce refers to business transactions between
companies, business-to-consumer models are those that sell products or services
directly to personal-use customers. Often called B2C, business-to-consumer
companies connect, communicate and conduct business transactions with consumers
most often via the Internet. B2C is larger than just online retailing; it
includes online banking, travel services, online auctions, and health and real
estate sites. Ads by Google $0.01 Web Hosting Scalable, Secure Web Hosting. Try
Our Award-Winning Service Now! www.hostgator.com/1Penny Characteristics The B2C model focuses on
direct selling and marketing between a business and a consumer via an
e-commerce website. A lower purchase volume of higher priced products typically
characterizes B2C companies. Since the model depends on individual transactions
and eliminates the wholesale purchaser, the company can make a higher profit
while the consumer spends the same amount of money or sometimes less. B2C is
effective for smaller companies since individual consumers are not as concerned
with company recognition as they are with getting the product for the best
price. Types B2C companies divide into five major categories: direct sellers,
online intermediaries, advertising-based models, community-based models and
fee-based models. Each type is so different from the others that they are not
directly comparable. In fact, some B2C businesses utilize more than one type to
reach different audiences. Related Reading: Differences Between a Consumer
Buying and a Business Buying Decision Process Direct Sellers Direct sellers,
such as online retailers, sell a product or service directly to the customer
via a website. You can further divide direct sellers into e-tailers and
manufacturers. E-tailers are electronic retailers that either ship products from
their own warehouses or trigger deliveries from other companies&rsquo;
stocks. Product manufacturers use the Internet as a catalog and sales channel
to eliminate intermediaries. Online Intermediaries Online intermediaries
perform the same function as any other broker. The business allows non-B2C
companies to reap some of the benefits. Brokers offer buyers a service and help
sellers by altering the price-setting processes, according to economics
professors Thierry P&eacute;nard of the University of Delaware and
Michael A. Arnold of the University of Rennes in Rennes, France.
Advertising-Based Models Popular websites rely on advertising-based models.
These websites offer a free service to consumers and use advertising revenue to
cover costs. They draw a large number of visitors, making them ideal
advertising streams for other companies. Advertisers will pay a premium to
sites that deliver high traffic numbers. Community-Based Models Community-based
models combine the advertising method that relies on traffic at sites that
focus on specialized groups to create communities. Community sales and
advertising take advantage of social and network marketing by focusing on
specific groups that want specific products. For example, sites used by
computer programmers are perfectly placed to advertise computer hardware and
software products. At least one social media website uses member information to
target advertisements to interests and locations. Fee-Based Models
Pay-as-you-buy or paid subscription services fall under fee-based models. The
most common of these are online subscriptions to journals or movie sites such
as NetFlix. These companies rely on the quality of their content to convince
consumers to pay a usually nominal fee.
Explain the Business to Consumer Model by Dana Griffin, Demand Media Google
Business to consumer companies connect directly with the end user. Business to
consumer companies connect directly with the end user. internet image by
Travelfish from <a href='http://www.fotolia.com'>Fotolia.com</a>
Related Articles * What Is the Meaning of the C2C Business Model? * Differences
Between a Consumer Buying and a Business Buying Decision Process * Requirements
for Building a Business Model * Internet-Based Business Models Definition *
Risk in a Business Model * Techniques for Constructing a Business Model While
business-to-business commerce refers to business transactions between
companies, business-to-consumer models are those that sell products or services
directly to personal-use customers. Often called B2C, business-to-consumer
companies connect, communicate and conduct business transactions with consumers
most often via the Internet. B2C is larger than just online retailing; it
includes online banking, travel services, online auctions, and health and real
estate sites. Ads by Google $0.01 Web Hosting Scalable, Secure Web Hosting. Try
Our Award-Winning Service Now! www.hostgator.com/1Penny Characteristics The B2C model focuses on
direct selling and marketing between a business and a consumer via an
e-commerce website. A lower purchase volume of higher priced products typically
characterizes B2C companies. Since the model depends on individual transactions
and eliminates the wholesale purchaser, the company can make a higher profit
while the consumer spends the same amount of money or sometimes less. B2C is
effective for smaller companies since individual consumers are not as concerned
with company recognition as they are with getting the product for the best
price. Types B2C companies divide into five major categories: direct sellers,
online intermediaries, advertising-based models, community-based models and
fee-based models. Each type is so different from the others that they are not
directly comparable. In fact, some B2C businesses utilize more than one type to
reach different audiences. Related Reading: Differences Between a Consumer
Buying and a Business Buying Decision Process Direct Sellers Direct sellers,
such as online retailers, sell a product or service directly to the customer
via a website. You can further divide direct sellers into e-tailers and
manufacturers. E-tailers are electronic retailers that either ship products from
their own warehouses or trigger deliveries from other companies&rsquo;
stocks. Product manufacturers use the Internet as a catalog and sales channel
to eliminate intermediaries. Online Intermediaries Online intermediaries
perform the same function as any other broker. The business allows non-B2C
companies to reap some of the benefits. Brokers offer buyers a service and help
sellers by altering the price-setting processes, according to economics
professors Thierry P&eacute;nard of the University of Delaware and
Michael A. Arnold of the University of Rennes in Rennes, France.
Advertising-Based Models Popular websites rely on advertising-based models.
These websites offer a free service to consumers and use advertising revenue to
cover costs. They draw a large number of visitors, making them ideal
advertising streams for other companies. Advertisers will pay a premium to
sites that deliver high traffic numbers. Community-Based Models Community-based
models combine the advertising method that relies on traffic at sites that
focus on specialized groups to create communities. Community sales and
advertising take advantage of social and network marketing by focusing on
specific groups that want specific products. For example, sites used by
computer programmers are perfectly placed to advertise computer hardware and
software products. At least one social media website uses member information to
target advertisements to interests and locations. Fee-Based Models
Pay-as-you-buy or paid subscription services fall under fee-based models. The
most common of these are online subscriptions to journals or movie sites such
as NetFlix. These companies rely on the quality of their content to convince
consumers to pay a usually nominal fee.
Explain the Business to Consumer Model by Dana Griffin, Demand Media Google
Business to consumer companies connect directly with the end user. Business to
consumer companies connect directly with the end user. internet image by
Travelfish from <a href='http://www.fotolia.com'>Fotolia.com</a>
Related Articles * What Is the Meaning of the C2C Business Model? * Differences
Between a Consumer Buying and a Business Buying Decision Process * Requirements
for Building a Business Model * Internet-Based Business Models Definition *
Risk in a Business Model * Techniques for Constructing a Business Model While
business-to-business commerce refers to business transactions between
companies, business-to-consumer models are those that sell products or services
directly to personal-use customers. Often called B2C, business-to-consumer
companies connect, communicate and conduct business transactions with consumers
most often via the Internet. B2C is larger than just online retailing; it
includes online banking, travel services, online auctions, and health and real
estate sites. Ads by Google $0.01 Web Hosting Scalable, Secure Web Hosting. Try
Our Award-Winning Service Now! www.hostgator.com/1Penny Characteristics The B2C model focuses on
direct selling and marketing between a business and a consumer via an
e-commerce website. A lower purchase volume of higher priced products typically
characterizes B2C companies. Since the model depends on individual transactions
and eliminates the wholesale purchaser, the company can make a higher profit
while the consumer spends the same amount of money or sometimes less. B2C is
effective for smaller companies since individual consumers are not as concerned
with company recognition as they are with getting the product for the best
price. Types B2C companies divide into five major categories: direct sellers,
online intermediaries, advertising-based models, community-based models and
fee-based models. Each type is so different from the others that they are not
directly comparable. In fact, some B2C businesses utilize more than one type to
reach different audiences. Related Reading: Differences Between a Consumer
Buying and a Business Buying Decision Process Direct Sellers Direct sellers,
such as online retailers, sell a product or service directly to the customer
via a website. You can further divide direct sellers into e-tailers and
manufacturers. E-tailers are electronic retailers that either ship products from
their own warehouses or trigger deliveries from other companies&rsquo;
stocks. Product manufacturers use the Internet as a catalog and sales channel
to eliminate intermediaries. Online Intermediaries Online intermediaries
perform the same function as any other broker. The business allows non-B2C
companies to reap some of the benefits. Brokers offer buyers a service and help
sellers by altering the price-setting processes, according to economics
professors Thierry P&eacute;nard of the University of Delaware and
Michael A. Arnold of the University of Rennes in Rennes, France.
Advertising-Based Models Popular websites rely on advertising-based models.
These websites offer a free service to consumers and use advertising revenue to
cover costs. They draw a large number of visitors, making them ideal
advertising streams for other companies. Advertisers will pay a premium to
sites that deliver high traffic numbers. Community-Based Models Community-based
models combine the advertising method that relies on traffic at sites that
focus on specialized groups to create communities. Community sales and
advertising take advantage of social and network marketing by focusing on
specific groups that want specific products. For example, sites used by
computer programmers are perfectly placed to advertise computer hardware and
software products. At least one social media website uses member information to
target advertisements to interests and locations. Fee-Based Models
Pay-as-you-buy or paid subscription services fall under fee-based models. The
most common of these are online subscriptions to journals or movie sites such
as NetFlix. These companies rely on the quality of their content to convince
consumers to pay a usually nominal fee.
Lihat juga
dari Explain the Business to Consumer Model by Dana Griffin, Demand Media
Google Business to consumer companies connect directly with the end user.
Business to consumer companies connect directly with the end user. internet
image by Travelfish from <a href='http://www.fotolia.com'>Fotolia.com</a>
Related Articles * What Is the Meaning of the C2C Business Model? * Differences
Between a Consumer Buying and a Business Buying Decision Process * Requirements
for Building a Business Model * Internet-Based Business Models Definition *
Risk in a Business Model * Techniques for Constructing a Business Model While
business-to-business commerce refers to business transactions between
companies, business-to-consumer models are those that sell products or services
directly to personal-use customers. Often called B2C, business-to-consumer
companies connect, communicate and conduct business transactions with consumers
most often via the Internet. B2C is larger than just online retailing; it
includes online banking, travel services, online auctions, and health and real
estate sites. Ads by Google $0.01 Web Hosting Scalable, Secure Web Hosting. Try
Our Award-Winning Service Now! www.hostgator.com/1Penny Characteristics The B2C model focuses on
direct selling and marketing between a business and a consumer via an
e-commerce website. A lower purchase volume of higher priced products typically
characterizes B2C companies. Since the model depends on individual transactions
and eliminates the wholesale purchaser, the company can make a higher profit
while the consumer spends the same amount of money or sometimes less. B2C is
effective for smaller companies since individual consumers are not as concerned
with company recognition as they are with getting the product for the best
price. Types B2C companies divide into five major categories: direct sellers,
online intermediaries, advertising-based models, community-based models and
fee-based models. Each type is so different from the others that they are not
directly comparable. In fact, some B2C businesses utilize more than one type to
reach different audiences. Related Reading: Differences Between a Consumer
Buying and a Business Buying Decision Process Direct Sellers Direct sellers,
such as online retailers, sell a product or service directly to the customer
via a website. You can further divide direct sellers into e-tailers and
manufacturers. E-tailers are electronic retailers that either ship products from
their own warehouses or trigger deliveries from other companies&rsquo;
stocks. Product manufacturers use the Internet as a catalog and sales channel
to eliminate intermediaries. Online Intermediaries Online intermediaries
perform the same function as any other broker. The business allows non-B2C
companies to reap some of the benefits. Brokers offer buyers a service and help
sellers by altering the price-setting processes, according to economics
professors Thierry P&eacute;nard of the University of Delaware and
Michael A. Arnold of the University of Rennes in Rennes, France.
Advertising-Based Models Popular websites rely on advertising-based models.
These websites offer a free service to consumers and use advertising revenue to
cover costs. They draw a large number of visitors, making them ideal
advertising streams for other companies. Advertisers will pay a premium to
sites that deliver high traffic numbers. Community-Based Models Community-based
models combine the advertising method that relies on traffic at sites that
focus on specialized groups to create communities. Community sales and
advertising take advantage of social and network marketing by focusing on
specific groups that want specific products. For example, sites used by
computer programmers are perfectly placed to advertise computer hardware and
software products. At least one social media website uses member information to
target advertisements to interests and locations. Fee-Based Models
Pay-as-you-buy or paid subscription services fall under fee-based models. The
most common of these are online subscriptions to journals or movie sites such
as NetFlix. These companies rely on the quality of their content to convince
consumers to pay a usually nominal fee.
aktivitas bisnis-to-consumer yaitu online dan
offline, B2C singkatan terutama yang telah digunakan untuk menggambarkan berbagai
Bisnis B2C memainkan peran besar dalam perkembangan yang cepat dari Internet
komersial pada 1990-an. Sejumlah besar modal ventura mengalir kepada konsumen
dalam bentuk layanan online gratis dan diskon belanja, memacu adopsi media
Ketika pasar modal berubah asam, namun, perusahaan B2C merupakan yang pertama
jatuh, dan mereka jatuh cepat. Banyak perusahaan mencoba mengikuti kawanan
investor dengan menjalani B2C ke B2B makeover.
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